Why Experis chose Tifo
Posted on 3rd September 2021, by Tom Sweeney, in Case Study
Tifo’s software and services can have a hugely positive impact on a business, and we’re proud to have several long-term clients who have become passionate advocates. One of these is Experis, who have been working with Tifo since 2016 and were one of our original Tifo Comply clients, using it to on-board contractors with ease.
We wanted to find out how the business has been able to make use of Tifo’s software and what benefits it has brought to the day-to-day running of the company. We had the privilege of speaking to Josie Langley, Experis’ Supplier, Governance and Helpdesk Manager, and the company’s Contractor Care Team Manager Sue Cummins-White to find out.
Everything in one place
Prior to Tifo Comply, Experis used to handle all correspondence by email, but the large file sizes required for compliance mean that Experis would end up with several emails for each individual contractor they on-boarded. “We used to get compliance via email, and it was pretty dreadful. We get a lot of new people who can’t believe when I tell them how we used to collect compliance,” Sue Said.
This led to a lot of confusion, and sometimes information would be hard to find. However, Tifo Comply was able to put an end to this. All compliance is now stored in one place, and can be accessed with a single click. “You know exactly where compliance is going to be rather than hidden in email attachments,” added Sue.
Understandably, this has led to Experis becoming a lot more efficient. Sue called it “a huge improvement” and admitted that Tifo Comply is now mentioned as a benefit when bidding for new clients, showing how much of an advantage it has been for the business.
Auditing contractors
Experis has also used the Tifo Comply software for audits. “Often our clients will require an audit from us, so they’ll want to look at, say 20 of the contractors that we’ve on-boarded,” explained Sue.
This was a struggle prior to Tifo Comply, as it involved bringing together information from a wide range of places, usually being communicated via email. However, Tifo Comply has a compliance audit report built in, making the whole process much simpler. “We can now present a really nice-looking document to a client and it’s very quick to do so,” she said.
Bringing everyone on board
So, how easy has it been to get consultants and contractors invested in Tifo Comply? For Experis, a business that deals with a wide range of people each day, this is a very important question. However, Tifo Comply has proved itself more than capable of meeting this challenge.
“I think the majority of our consultants would say they are finding it pretty easy to use,” said Sue. “Our consultants don’t actually have to approve documents – we do that – but I think they’ve found it much easier. They’re more in control. They can see and chase up their own contractors.”
When it comes to the contractors Experis works with, Sue explained there was some pushback at first, purely because of standard resistance to change. However, the software was able to change people’s minds fairly quickly.
“The beautiful thing about Tifo Comply is that the majority of contractor data will still be there available for them,” said Sue. “So they’re not having to be uploading documents over and over again, they just need to refresh maybe bank statements, insurance, that sort of thing.”
Overall the Experis team has been extremely happy with the changes Tifo has brought to the company.
“It’s a definite benefit having it in place, it definitely has improved things.“
Josie Langley, Experis’ Supplier, Governance and Helpdesk Manager.
So, if you’re looking for ways to streamline your contractor on-boarding, look no further than Tifo Comply. With cloud-based software and integrated ID and background checks, the on-boarding journey follows a simple and visual workflow.
It’s a truly flexible solution – documents can be uploaded by the contractor, by the agency, or a third party. The information can be verified automatically depending on the nature of the check.
Tifo Comply makes managing your compliance obligations easier and quicker than ever before. It’s an auditable, scalable, end-to-end compliance solution that reduces your admin burden – all from one simple dashboard.
For more information on how Tifo Comply can help you, please contact us on 0800 470 1954 or email enquiries@tifo.team. Alternatively fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch with you!
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